Promotional Products


 Promoting your business's products/services to existing and prospective new clients can use a variety of mediums with varying degrees of success. Results are assessed with such questions:

• Was the message remembered? 

• Was the message discarded, or can it be recalled? 

• Did the message/medium convey the desired impressions? 

Promotional products with the advertiser's name/logo and/or messsage, can be subjected to exactly the same analysis - in fact, they should be. The success of your promotional products will be measured by a positive employee attitude - an increase of new clients - the retention of satisfied existing customers.

Promotional products can provide the advertiser with advantages that often cannot be achieved with any media. Make sure that you are getting the best results from your advertising dollars by using PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING PRODUCTS more often! 



 Determining Your Corporate Needs 

• Promoting Your Corporate Image 

• Staff Awards 

• Selection of Awards & Promotional Materials 


Listed below are some questions that your business/corporation/department should consider. 

1. How do employees in your organization know that they are doing a good job?

2. What employee characteristics or attributes are currently being

recognized or not being recognized? Why?

3. Who is currently being recognized and who is not being recognized?

4. How has the recognition affected the overall business operation?

5. What kind of recognition budget do you currently have?

6. What type of recognition vehicles have been used in the past?

7. How well have the recognition vehicles used in the past been received? 


Have you considered enhancing your corporate image?

Are you purchasing promotional material?


PRICE NORTH FIRST - northern businesses will know that you are interested in doing business with them - SPENDING your dollars in the NORTH helps northern businesses to prosper.
